Much like an apple tree, or any tree bearing fruit, there is no doubt that the body is one of the most basic, yet complex, unit of life in its simplest form. Cells are the fundamental units of all plant and animal tissues. By now, many of you have either learned about cells and tissues, and if not, you will soon enough. Therefore, I will only provide basic information about cells and tissues, which will help you to understand the root words given here in this lesson to avoid conflict in your usual studies that you will receive from your teacher at school when you learn about cells and tissues..
When you're studying cells, it is called "Cytology" (si-tol-o-gee), which is the study of the structure and function of cells. In our cell structure, we have 'cytoplasm' (si-to-plax-m) filling the cell called 'organelles' (or-gan-ells), which is a sub-unit each having a specific function. The process of a cell dividing is called 'mitosis.' (my-toe-sis). Then we have the 'nucleus.' (nu-kle-us), which is the control center of the cell. The nucleus contains 'chromosomes' (krohm-o-sohms) that carries genetic information that are composed of a complex substance organically known as DNA. Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes, and DNA is organized into separate units called 'genes.'
Cytology - The study of Cells.
Organelles - The sub-unit of a cell having specific functions.
Mitosis - The process of a cell dividing.
Nucleus - The control center of the cell.
Chromosomes - Carries genetic information - Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes.
DNA - Composed of a complex substance organically. It is organized into separate units called 'genes.'
Cells are organized into tissues that also performs specific functions, and there are four basic tissue types (And NO, Kleenex or Puff-Puffs is not one of them!):
1) Epithelial (ep-ih-thee-lie-al) tissues: It covers and protects the body structures and lines the organs, vessels, and cavities (an opening).
2) Connective tissue: It supports and bind body structures containing fibers, and non-living material between the cells (i.e., bone, blood, fatty tissue).
3) Muscle tissue: It contracts to produce movement. The root word "my/myo" depicts 'muscle.' There are three types of muscles: A) Skeletal (or Voluntary) - moves the skeleton; B) Cardiac muscle of the heart, and C) Visceral (Smooth) muscle - forms the walls of the abdominal organs.
4) Nervous tissue: It makes up the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It coordinates and controls body responses by transmitting electrical impulses.
FYI: The 'smooth' muscles and the 'cardiac' muscle are known as "involuntary" muscles because these muscles can function without conscious control. Examples: Heart attack, giving birth (contraction of the uterus.)
Well, in Lesson #6, I had you to 'text message' a chosen friend or classmate involving some of the prefixes we've already gone over in the book. In this lesson, however, it is time to focus on these root words because it is the essence of strength in you med'cabulary library.
1) cyt, cyto, cyte - mean cell. Example: Cytotoxic (si-toe-tox-ik), destructive to cells.
2) hist, histo, histi, histio - mean tissue. Example: Histologist (his-tol-ih-jist), a specialist who studies tissue.
3) blast - means immature cell, or productive cell. Example: Blastocyte (blast-o-site), an undifferentiated embryonic cell. Another Example: Fibroblast, a cell that produces fibers.
4) phag, phago - means eat, or ingest. Example: Phagocyte (fag-o-site), a cell that ingests waste and other foreign matter. DO YOU REMEMBER (DYR) WHAT 'CYTE' MEANS?
5) gen - means formation, origin. Example: Genesis (jen-o-sis), origin of something.
6) morph, morpho - means form, structure. Example: Morphology (morf-ol-o-gee), study of form and structure. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "ology" is the suffix meaning "study of."
7) fibr, fibro - means fiber. Example: Fibrosis (fi-bro-sis), abnormal formation of fibrous tissue. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "osis" is the suffix meaning "a process."
8) aden, adeno - means gland. Example: Adenitis (ad-eh-ni-tis), inflammation of a gland. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "itis" is the suffix meaning "inflammation."
9) muc, muco - means mucus (mucous), mucus of the membrane. Example: Mucorrhea (mu-ko-re-ah), increased flow of mucus. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "rrhea" is the suffix meaning "flow."
10) myx, myxo - means mucous or mucus. Example: Myxoma (mix-so-mah), tumor of the mucus tissue. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "oma" is the suffix meaning "tumor."
Ordinarily, whenever Cells and Tissues are being taught in class, it is customary to stay on target with its entire functioning processes from beginning to the end. However, to stay on track of what I stated earlier in this lesson about not having to conflict with what your teacher in school may, or may not have already taught on this subject, I will provide some root words relating to "Body Chemistry," which are important roots to know, especially since many of you may have already heard much of these words, and/or read them in some of your reading materials.
1) adip, adipo - means fat. Example: Adipose (ad-ih-poze), of a fatty nature (The presence of fat in the cells of adipose tissue).
2) lip, lipo - means fat, lipid. Example: Liposuction (lie-po-sul-shun), surgical removal of fat. Another Example: Lipoma (lip-o-mah), a benign soft encapsulated tumor of adipose tissue.
3) steat, steato - means fatty. Example: Steatoma (stee-at-o-mah), a lipoma; a fatty mass retained within a sebaceous gland. RELATIONSHP WORD: "oma" is the suffix meaning "tumor."
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ROOT - A structure by which something is firmly attached.
Much like an apple tree, or any tree bearing fruit, there is no doubt that the body is one of the most basic, yet complex, unit of life in its simplest form. Cells are the fundamental units of all plant and animal tissues. By now, many of you have either learned about cells and tissues, and if not, you will soon enough. Therefore, I will only provide basic information about cells and tissues, which will help you to understand the root words given here in this lesson to avoid conflict in your usual studies that you will receive from your teacher at school when you learn about cells and tissues..
When you're studying cells, it is called "Cytology" (si-tol-o-gee), which is the study of the structure and function of cells. In our cell structure, we have 'cytoplasm' (si-to-plax-m) filling the cell called 'organelles' (or-gan-ells), which is a sub-unit each having a specific function. The process of a cell dividing is called 'mitosis.' (my-toe-sis). Then we have the 'nucleus.' (nu-kle-us), which is the control center of the cell. The nucleus contains 'chromosomes' (krohm-o-sohms) that carries genetic information that are composed of a complex substance organically known as DNA. Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes, and DNA is organized into separate units called 'genes.'
Cytology - The study of Cells.
Organelles - The sub-unit of a cell having specific functions.
Mitosis - The process of a cell dividing.
Nucleus - The control center of the cell.
Chromosomes - Carries genetic information - Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes.
DNA - Composed of a complex substance organically. It is organized into separate units called 'genes.'
Cells are organized into tissues that also performs specific functions, and there are four basic tissue types (And NO, Kleenex or Puff-Puffs is not one of them!):
1) Epithelial (ep-ih-thee-lie-al) tissues: It covers and protects the body structures and lines the organs, vessels, and cavities (an opening).
2) Connective tissue: It supports and bind body structures containing fibers, and non-living material between the cells (i.e., bone, blood, fatty tissue).
3) Muscle tissue: It contracts to produce movement. The root word "my/myo" depicts 'muscle.' There are three types of muscles: A) Skeletal (or Voluntary) - moves the skeleton; B) Cardiac muscle of the heart, and C) Visceral (Smooth) muscle - forms the walls of the abdominal organs.
4) Nervous tissue: It makes up the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It coordinates and controls body responses by transmitting electrical impulses.
FYI: The 'smooth' muscles and the 'cardiac' muscle are known as "involuntary" muscles because these muscles can function without conscious control. Examples: Heart attack, giving birth (contraction of the uterus.)
Well, in Lesson #6, I had you to 'text message' a chosen friend or classmate involving some of the prefixes we've already gone over in the book. In this lesson, however, it is time to focus on these root words because it is the essence of strength in you med'cabulary library.
1) cyt, cyto, cyte - mean cell. Example: Cytotoxic (si-toe-tox-ik), destructive to cells.
2) hist, histo, histi, histio - mean tissue. Example: Histologist (his-tol-ih-jist), a specialist who studies tissue.
3) blast - means immature cell, or productive cell. Example: Blastocyte (blast-o-site), an undifferentiated embryonic cell. Another Example: Fibroblast, a cell that produces fibers.
4) phag, phago - means eat, or ingest. Example: Phagocyte (fag-o-site), a cell that ingests waste and other foreign matter. DO YOU REMEMBER (DYR) WHAT 'CYTE' MEANS?
5) gen - means formation, origin. Example: Genesis (jen-o-sis), origin of something.
6) morph, morpho - means form, structure. Example: Morphology (morf-ol-o-gee), study of form and structure. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "ology" is the suffix meaning "study of."
7) fibr, fibro - means fiber. Example: Fibrosis (fi-bro-sis), abnormal formation of fibrous tissue. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "osis" is the suffix meaning "a process."
8) aden, adeno - means gland. Example: Adenitis (ad-eh-ni-tis), inflammation of a gland. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "itis" is the suffix meaning "inflammation."
9) muc, muco - means mucus (mucous), mucus of the membrane. Example: Mucorrhea (mu-ko-re-ah), increased flow of mucus. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "rrhea" is the suffix meaning "flow."
10) myx, myxo - means mucous or mucus. Example: Myxoma (mix-so-mah), tumor of the mucus tissue. RELATIONSHIP WORD: "oma" is the suffix meaning "tumor."
Ordinarily, whenever Cells and Tissues are being taught in class, it is customary to stay on target with its entire functioning processes from beginning to the end. However, to stay on track of what I stated earlier in this lesson about not having to conflict with what your teacher in school may, or may not have already taught on this subject, I will provide some root words relating to "Body Chemistry," which are important roots to know, especially since many of you may have already heard much of these words, and/or read them in some of your reading materials.
1) adip, adipo - means fat. Example: Adipose (ad-ih-poze), of a fatty nature (The presence of fat in the cells of adipose tissue).
2) lip, lipo - means fat, lipid. Example: Liposuction (lie-po-sul-shun), surgical removal of fat. Another Example: Lipoma (lip-o-mah), a benign soft encapsulated tumor of adipose tissue.
3) steat, steato - means fatty. Example: Steatoma (stee-at-o-mah), a lipoma; a fatty mass retained within a sebaceous gland. RELATIONSHP WORD: "oma" is the suffix meaning "tumor."
Please DEFINE the remaining words on page 52. Also, provide TWO Examples for each word given in the book.
Please DEFINE the SUFFIXES given on pages 51 and 52. In the EXAMPLE COLUMN, write down the root words and suffixes giving EACH its definitions and meaning.
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